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オゼンピック皮下注2mg Ozempic Subcutaneous Injection 2mg 司马鲁肽重组笔式注射器 [0114987616003652]
US$187.00(tax included)
List Price: US$203.00
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LAGEVRIO Capsules 200mg ラゲブリオカプセル200mg 莫努匹韦硬胶囊 [0114987185810743]
US$385.00(tax included)
List Price: US$467.00
MSD’s COVID-19 oral antiviral LAGEVRIO
TULOBUTEROL Tape 1mgx70p [0114987080535628]
US$31.80(tax included)
List Price: US$38.20
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Nexium Capsules 20mg100c 高级胃药 埃索美拉唑镁胶囊 [0114987081103062]
US$190.70(tax included)
List Price: US$229.00
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CATALIN-K FOR OPHTHALMIC 0.005% 15mlx10 老年性白内障滴眼液 [0114987123147610]
US$32.30(tax included)
List Price: US$38.80
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Eviprostat Tablets DB x100c 前列腺炎、前列腺增生肥大治疗药 [0114987173017321]
US$63.60(tax included)
List Price: US$76.30
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ESTRANA Tapes 0.72mg 女性更年期综合症 肚脐贴 [0114987188452070]
US$108.20(tax included)
List Price: US$128.60
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ACTOS Tablets 15 糖尿病治疗剂 盐酸吡格列酮 [0114987123136270]
US$97.00(tax included)
List Price: US$117.00
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DRENISON TAPE 4ug/cm2 剖腹产专用疤痕贴 氟乙酰胺贴片 [0114987641074290]
US$65.30(tax included)
List Price: US$78.40
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Allermist 27.5ug 56 metered nasal spray 过敏性鼻炎喷雾 [0114987246752029]
US$29.50(tax included)
List Price: US$35.40
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RINDERON-VG Cream 0.12%
US$18.00(tax included)